Kristen J Schmidt News and Events - Official Site by (Quacker Design) Anthony Y Wai

Entries in German Shepherd (1)


A New Legend Begins: Writer Kristen J. Schmidt Website Launches

Howdy! Welcome to my site, please make yourself right at home! I'm Kristen J. Schmidt, a writer, actress, director, and tech girl!

Y'all may wonder what inspired me to build a website, but I'll tell you it just sounded like a good way for this writer and adventurer to share with you my accomplishments in either the publishing world, stage, or out in the world with my trusty German Sheperds. 

As time passes and I make a name for myself, I hope to update this site and my Facebook page with more content and announcements. Whether you're from London or St. Louis, I gurantee you'll get a kick out of my handiwork. Stay tuned, and visit often. 

Kristen J. Schmidt.